Limited Access
60 days of access
The OHS Act and Mine Health and Safety Act recognises that the best way to establish or maintain a healthy and safe workplace is to share the responsibilities. The employer should appoint employees who are familiar with the workplace, and who are willing to act as the link and co-ordinate safety, health and environmental needs. The employer must provide training and make sure that there is good communication and support at all levels within the workplace. To prevent incidents every person must know what is expected of them and why.
The SHE Representative is a Legal appointment part and part of the work team and acts as a co-ordinator for safety, health and environment. The most effective way to control hazards is to take action as soon as an unsafe act or condition is identified.
The SHE Representative can act as the link between employees, the employer, and when necessary, the Department of Labour.
The SHE Representative plays a vital role in carrying out all assigned duties, and
assisting others to carry out their tasks and responsibilities. Problems are then quickly identified and actioned. All SHE Representatives also serve on a SHE Committee.
Together with management they meet to discuss any problems and agree on the action that should be taken to create and maintain safety, health and environment in the workplace. Good SHE Representatives are very valuable and help to prevent incidents which could harm employees, contractors, visitors and/or the environment.
Estimated Time: 60 days
Difficulty: Intermediate
Categories: Management Courses