Working at Heights

Course Outline

Working at height means working in a place where a person could fall from one level to another. This can be above or below ground level. It does not include slipping, tripping or falling at the same level. Falls from working on ladders and scaffolding are the single biggest cause of workplace deaths, these falls can halt the working process which can cause a loss of life, productivity and income.

In this course the risks associated with working at height will be identified and managed effectively, prior to the start of the job. Most often falls from heights are caused by not having a solid plan in and a disorganisation of work.

This course will offer the employee and management a better understanding of the principles of Working a Heights which will in turn reduce the risk of workers falling and will ensure compliancy with the OSH Act legal requirements.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 30 days

Difficulty: Beginner


Limited Access

30 days of access

Course Information

Estimated Time: 30 days

Difficulty: Beginner


Course Instructor

admin admin Author

Limited Access

30 days of access

Outcome 2 : Describe the Requirements for Inspection, Care and Storage of Fall Protection Equipment.

Outcome 3 : Describe the Requirements for Ladders, Scaffolds, Working Platforms and Elevated Positions.